“Chacun de nous possède une musique d'accompagnement intérieure. Et si les autres l'entendent aussi, cela s'appelle la personnalité.”Gilbert Cesbron.

Personal Brand - Benoit de Bellefroid


Personal branding strategist, communication professional, promoter of change, explorer of human potential.


Animate coaching and training programs focused on strengths’ identification and valorization, at the benefit of sustainable social development of individuals and organizations:

  • To promote well-being in the service of efficiency
  • To facilitate the emergence of natural excellence
  • To encourage new methods of organization, conduct, knowledge-sharing, and both personal and collective development

Personal resources

  • Clarity of vision and a feel for concepts and ideas
  • Strong motivation to support and promote change
  • Ability to create links between vital energy, creativity and self expression
  • Fluency in written, audio-visual and interactive communication

Work approaches

  • Personal Branding: in order to develop your personal touch and take your rightful place
  • Positive Enneagram: to combine your intrinsic motivation with a work on your talents to develop real strengths
  • Editorial advice: copywriting, video and web production

Service commitments

  • Clarify and define what brings strength and differentiation (personal brand)
  • Accelerate the development of inner resources (valorization of talents)
  • Facilitate the dissemination of brands (communications content / social media)