“Le succès est quelque chose que vous attirez par la personne que vous devenez.”Jim Rohn

Bio - Benoit de Bellefroid

Communication professional since 1987 and web pioneer since 1997, Benoit has also been an explorer of human potential for the past quarter century.

Successively a consultant in public relations (BABEL PR), marketing manager and trainer in the world of educational publishing (ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA), manager of sales and publications forces in the interactive communication market (PUBLICIS, 24/7 MEDIA, ADVERTSTREAM, EMAKINA), Benoit has regularly been involved in professional projects where implementing new solutions is critical.

At the same time, he has developed a parallel experience of research and teaching in the area of personal development (THEATER, MEDITATION, ENNEAGRAM).

Now he as decided to focus his energy and skills on helping individuals to develop their talents and capabilities in order to connect what they do with who they are. In 2009, certified Personal Branding Strategist by the PB American leader (REACH CC), he launched the Personal Branding concept in Belgium, along with the process that characterizes it.