“Deviens ce que tu es. Fais ce que toi seul peut faire.”Friedrich Nietzsche

Strengths Development

A training program organized along 5 tracks that focus on developing existing strengths, designed for organizations wishing to permanently enhance the services they provide their collaborators:

1. strengths|booster

  • Discover and take ownership of one’s own strengths in order to express one’s full potential

2. strengths|leadership

  • Learn to rely on one’s own strengths in order to guide and inspire collaborators

3. strengths|motivation

  • Take account of each individual’s strengths in order to build effective project teams

4. strengths|integration

  • Combine the strengths of each individual in developing and assigning roles within the organization

5. strengths|branding

  • Communicate one’s strengths effectively so as to become recognized for one’s areas of excellence

See the detailed strengths|development program